going beyond the pen and paper to create your most effective journaling practice

what if I told you that journaling doesn't have to be:

annnnd it can still be super powerful?!

as a licensed therapist and certified mindset coach, i know my clients and students don't want to journal.

but, journaling is one of the most effective micro-habits to:

journaling isn't just about writing down your thoughts on paper.

journaling is a self-nurturing conversation with your most authentic self to promote balance, wellness and manifestation!


So, i knew my students and clients needed a new, more expansive, easy way to journal that would:

so i had to create

for only $11!

Is your journaling practice nonexistent, lacking in action, totally unmotivating?! I got you! Create your most expansive journaling practice as your new micro habit to raise your joy capacity, heighten your thought clarity, and give you the balance beyond burnout you’ve been needing to hit your BIG goals on autopilot!

here's what you'll learn:

ready to start building momentum towards your big goals feeling balanced, anchored and expansive?!

since I created this training, my clients have not started raving about how helpful journaling has been for their abundance journey:

are you ready to create your expansive journaling practice too?

see what's all included:

time to start your most expansive journaling practice today

for just $11!


I’m a dynamic duo as a licensed therapist and mindset coach! I bring about 15 years of experience, success stories and personal journey to transform the lives of everyday women to unleash their inner EPIC WOMAN! I expertly empower women to breakthrough their mindset traps and confidently walk their purpose path as their highest selves. Using my amazing, powerful blend of techniques such as Nuerolinguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, Hypnosis, T.I.M.E Techniques, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectal Behavioral Therapy, Life + Success Coaching and gift of intuition, I have created such a unique game changing experience for women.

My tried and true EPIC WOMAN FRAMEWORK has transformed the lives of so many purpose-driven women JUST LIKE YOU from a mindset of limitation to one of EMPOWERMENT making their heart-aligned deepest desires a legit abundant reality.

I’m so excited to give you the exact mindset breakthrough framework I used to kick my fear and embrace my purpose path as a successful entrepreneur, wife & mommy, passion explorer, empowerment mentor, world traveler, and so much more! HELLO ABUNDANCE!


Frequently Asked Questions

This is a proven breakthrough framework that has successfully transformed the lives of so many women (and even men) from different walks of life, goals to achieve and obstacles to overcome. I absolutely believe in my EPIC WOMAN FRAMEWORK that I expertly guide you through. BUT, make no mistake, your outcome will be based on your dedication, commitment and investment in this program from start to finish. I cannot guarantee your results, but I will provide you with the resources necessary to up-level your life in expansion and abundance!

How does LIFETIME sound?! Yes, sis… I truly believe in life-long expansion! You have access to all the content and the updates for lifetime of the program! Sis, just go at your own pace and take your time so you can really let the teachings sink in and be powerfully applied to your everyday life. So proud of you for getting started!

Rest assured, you don’t need any expensive tech or software. And, you definitely don’t need to be a computer wiz! All content will be available to you on the Thrivecart Learn platform, available for the lifetime access. You can access via smartphone, computer or tablet. 

Absolutely! I definitely believe in the POWER of Getting to the Bottom of Burnout, but I get it, stuff happens. So, you have 7 days after purchase to request a no-questions asked refund. Just email me at hello@bdanielle.com. 

No worries! Just email me at hello@bdanielle.com. 

ready create kickstart your new success micro-habit?!

grab expansive journaling today

for just $11!

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